Strip Feed Rollformers

Shown below are some examples of the variety of Rollformers for running precut strips

Flagler Model L-2510 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

2 ½” diameter rolls

10 Stations



20 Ga. Galvanized Frames

Flagler Model L-520 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

5” diameter rolls

20 Stations



20 Ga. Galvanized Metal Building Profile

Flagler Model L-46 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

4” diameter rolls

6 Stations

Part Lubrication System



16 Ga. Galvanized Angle

Flagler Model L-38-OB/L-510-OB Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

8 Stations – 3” diameter rolls

10 Stations – 5” diameter rolls

Outboard Support


30 Ga. Galvanized HVAC Product

Flagler Model U-58-R Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

5” diameter rolls.

8 Stations

With Coiling Attachment


12 Ga. SS Band.
Flagler Model L-610-OB-TD Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

6” diameter rolls.

10 Stations

Outboard Support

Top Drive


20 Ga. HVAC Frame

Flagler Model L-257-OB/L-37510-OB-TD Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

7 Stations – 2 1/2” diameter rolls

10 Stations – 3 3/4” diameter rolls

Outboard Support


30 Ga. HVAC Product

Flagler Model U46 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

4” diameter rolls

6 Stations

Coiling Attachment


16 Ga. SS Band
Flagler Model L-412 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

4” diameter rolls

12 Stations


16 Ga. SS Panel

Flagler Model L-510 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

5” diameter rolls

10 Stations


20 Ga. Galvanized Channel

Flagler Model L-257 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

2 1/2” diameter rolls

7 Stations


20 Ga. CRS Channel

Flagler Model U-312 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

3” diameter rolls

12 Stations


26 Ga. Galvanized HVAC Cleat

Flagler Model L-38-OB Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

3” diameter rolls

8 Stations

2 Sets of Roller Dies


26 Ga. Prepainted Aluminum

Flagler Model L-412-OB Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

4” diameter rolls

12 Stations


20 Ga. Prepainted CRS

Flagler Model U-2510-Q Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

2 1/2” diameter rolls

10 Stations


16 Ga. Galvanized Stiffener


Flagler Model L-310-OB Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

3” diameter rolls

10 Stations

Outboard Support


20 Ga. Prepainted Aluminum Arch. Product

Flagler Model H-4514 Specifications:

This Machine Featured:

4 ½” diameter rolls

14 Stations

2 Sets of Tooling

Movable Head


30 Ga. Galvanized Flashing

Made In The USA Since 1949

The Flagler Corporation
56513 Precision Dr. * Chesterfield, MI 48051
Ph: (586)749-6300 * Fax: (586)749-6363

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